Well, hello there!

I am Natalie. Thanks for stopping by!

Since you pressed the button, I'm guessing you're interested in knowing a bit more, so here you go!

I was borned and raised in the furthest most north of Norway, Vadsø in Finnmark.

At the age of 12 I got my first camera, and I was completely sold. I was bringing it everywhere, and forcing my younger sister to strike a pose wherever we would go.

When I was 16 I had to choose an education, and my passion for photography led me to study Media and Communication for the next two years.


I loved to work in our school studio with the lights and the different backdrops, filming and editing videos, and creating commercial posters and designs in our graphic classes.

It all led me to finishing school a year earlier than all my classmates - jumping into an apprenticeship as a Photographer by the age of 18.

As I was 20, I had my certificate of approval handed to me, and I started up my treasured little business called Harila Foto, and so the adventure begins!

The journey of


I started Harila Foto in 2017, as a side hustle to my regular jobs. I did mostly weddings, and a few portrait shoots from time to time.

In 2018 a company reached out and invited me in to learn more about real estate photography. Since then I have started on my own, reaching out to realtors and brokers, and gained a few connections along the way.

Although I love doing weddings and portraits, Real estate photography is my main focus at the moment. Being able to capture moments and warmth in a home, really makes me happy.

I aspire to continue to grow and expand Harila Foto, and to try out different aspects of photography.

In 2023 I quit my day to day job to finally be able to put all my energy towards my photography and videography journey, and I couldn't be more excited!

Want to collaborate?

01. Connect

Although photography is my main job, I am always looking for new ways to work creatively.
Connect with me using the contact form!

Share your story

02. Communicate

We´ll do a meeting or a video call discussing your needs and focus points, and well make a plan that suits us both!

Develop Your Vision

03. Create

I´ll deliver your content, in whatever shape or form you desire, to specifically meet your needs. Weather it is photos, videos or graphic design, I always have my clients best interest at heart!

Bring it to life